

About Me

Welcome to my GTAinside userpage!
¡Bienvenido a mi página de GTAinside!

(Translated with Google Translate XDLOL)

- Beginner modder.
- Mexican.
- 69 years old (joke).
- I'm fine fucking handsome.

Software I use:
3DS Max 2010
3DS Max 2009
3DS Max 2012
Blender 2.79
Photoshop CS6
TXD Workshop
Magic txd
RW Analyze

My computer:
Manufacturer: HP
Model: 24-b102la
Processor: AMD A6 9210 2.4gHz 2 cores 2 threads
"Graphics Card": AMD Radeon R4 (Integrated)
RAM: 6GB of DDR4 1066mHz RAM in a single Samsung brand module.
Storage: 300gb on a Western Digital hard drive (I think) Originally it was 1TB but it got damaged.
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits (If I literally put Windows 10 on the PC and I would burn.)

If you would like a specific skin leave it in the comments of my last uploaded mod and I will upload it if I can <3.

Rules you accept when downloading my mods:
- If you use or re-upload my mods please give credits.

- Do not edit my mods without my prior permission.

- If you upload my mods to another page like Mediafire or MEGA, don't put a password on the files and leave the original files (the original dff and txd, and the readme's).

- Modder principiante.
- Mexicano.
- 69 años (ahre).
- Estoy bien pinche guapo.

Software que uso:
3DS Max 2010
3DS Max 2009
3DS Max 2012
Blender 2.79
Photoshop CS6
TXD Workshop
Magic TXD
RW Analyze

Mi computadora:
Fabricante: HP
Modelo: 24-b102la
Procesador: AMD A6 9210 2.4gHz 2 cores 2 threads
"Tarjeta Grafica": AMD Radeon R4 (Integrada)
RAM: 6GB de RAM DDR4 1066mHz en un solo modulo marca Samsung.
Almacenamiento: 300gb en un disco duro Western Digital (creo) Originalmente tenia 1TB pero se daño.
Sistema Operativo: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits (Si le pongo Windows 10 literalmente la PC y yo nos quemamos.)

Si te gustaría una skin en especifico déjalo en los comentarios de mi ultimo mod subido y lo subiré si puedo <3.

Reglas que aceptas al descargar mis mods: (hola sergio)
- Si usas o re subes mis mods por favor da créditos.

- No edites mis mods sin mi permiso previo.

- Si re subes mis mods a otra pagina como Mediafire o MEGA no pongas contraseña a los archivos y deja los archivos originales (el dff y txd originales, y los readme's).

2022 - 20??

Country: Mexico Age: 72
Social Media
My Rank
I have 51 rank points.(?)

My GTAinside rank is
and I'm called:


My Stats
Modifications: (since 07.11.2012)
Released: 0 mods
Total: 0 downloads
Average: 0 downloads
Last online:
22.05.2024, 03:32
My Recent Activities
No Recent Activities
My Mods

No mods uploaded so far.

My Recent Comments
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