
GTA:SA: Mods

Effect Top V2 for Android FINAL

Author: P-Man
Date: 28.12.2014
Downloads: 17949
Filesize: 34.731 MB

10.00 based on 23 votes

^_^ Hai all,,...

NOTE; Make sure your folder data is clean from another mod effect before you install this mod...
Like surfinfo.dat,,object.dat etc....

i bring new effect for we are game....
This mod credit by KAXA919 (author for pc version)....

I ever try all effect for my game,,and i think this effect give more good balance for android...
You can try,,......

Installation very easy,,because all is done inside txd folder...
Just copy txd and models folder ...
(For more installation detail,,please read txt inside include english and indonesian txt)...

^_^ And if you ready have txd mod,,and you want try this effect...
Dont worried,,because i also give all texture inside download folder..
-Just import effecttopv2.txd use txdfucker....Dont forget to klik check all inside txd fucker,,or just import all png effect texture with alpha...
just chooice one,,import txd or import png.....

-and Just import all other png with alpha and no alpha..

^_^ Thanks for gta inside,,,
And thanks for all of you.... Happy New Year all..


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Effect Top V2 for Android FINAL
Effect Top V2 for Android FINAL Effect Top V2 for Android FINAL Effect Top V2 for Android FINAL

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